Windows Csv Editor

2020. 12. 3. 06:33카테고리 없음

You may load your data from disk - see Choose CSV file here below. You may load your data from a web address - see Enter an URL below. You may also paste your data. Save your data to a CSV File or in Excel format. Copying and pasting from Excel and other spreadsheet tools should work. Click on Auto Detect if your data needs adjustment. Here are 30 best free CSV editor software for Windows.These CSV editor software let you edit CSV files quickly and easily. All these software are freely available for Windows. These free software offer a wide variety of features e.g. Lets you edit CSV files easily and quickly, lets you perform a variety of operations on your CSV files e.g. Rearrange columns, change separator, delete or add.

  1. Csv Editor For Windows 10
  2. Best Csv Editor Windows
  3. Windows 10 Best Csv Editor
  4. Dmcsveditor
Active2 years, 2 months ago

Are there any good lightweight CSV viewers out there? I would like something that easily refreshes a file after it has been modified. A quick google search didn't turn up any clear winners.

I'd prefer not to have to open Excel each time since it locks the file. This prevents any other programs from updating the file.


Csv Editor For Windows 10

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10 Answers

This is for viewing only, using Powershell..

GUI Display; supports sorting, filtering:

Console Display:


For additional sorting and filtering options, pipe through where-object and sort-object cmdlets


I use Nirsoft's CSVFileView. It is a simple lightweight read-only csv viewer.

Note: due to password recovery tools on Nirsoft's site many virus checkers will block executables downloaded from there.

Matthew Lock
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If your system has Cygwin, column -t in a terminal window is what I like to use.

In order to update with changes to the original as you requested, you can combine it with the watch command:

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These threads both point to CSVed:

I tried it and had some issues with larger files (4000000 rows) with lots of columns (313), so YMMV.

I usually just use the BSD column utility. It's part of the 'util-linux' package on windows:

Chris BettiDmcsveditorChris Betti
1,5351 gold badge15 silver badges33 bronze badges

You could try Ron's Editor - it will do what you want, is MUCH better than Excel for editing CSV files IMHO (that's why I wrote it), and I will let you decide if its light enough ;-)

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Aaron StewartAaron Stewart

Beacuse I was unhappy with how Excel displays CSV files, I produced a small executable designed to display CSV files. I recently made it available at’s only available for Windows because its writing in .NET

It does not need configuration but allows filtering, searching etc.

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Raphael NöldnerRaphael Nöldner

Finally find one can instantly open large files, and automatically detect the delimiter: The V File Viewer from 20 days free trial. $20 to buy.

Another one, which is extremely fast and also automatically detect the delimiter is Delimit from 15 days free trail. $49 / year. Ashrae standards pdf. Kind of expensive.

Convert a whole number to roman numerals, or vice versa. Enter a whole number such as 2003, or a Roman numeral such as MMIII, then click Convert. The input must be in the range of 1. Roman Numerals Converter. This simple Roman Numerals Converter can be used at any time to convert numbers to Roman numerals.If you need to make conversion from Arabic numbers to Roman numerals, simply enter the number to the box on the right, and press the button 'Convert to Roman'. Convert Roman numerals to numbers and convert numbers to Roman numerals. Use this Roman numeral converter to convert numbers from 1 to 3,999,999 into Roman numerals. Or input a Roman numeral to get its regular Arabic number value. Roman numerals are a number system developed in ancient Rome where letters represent numbers. Conversion to roman numerals. 117 rows  Roman numerals to numbers conversion calculator and how to convert.


I believe there are Free excel viewers out there on Microsoft's site. And I think the native wordpad/write can also open up CSV files.


If you just want to look at the file, why not use a text editor? The better ones will notice a refresh and prompt you if you want to reload the file. However, they won't separate the values out into different columns for you; they will only display the contents. Both UltraEdit and TextPad have been reliable for me in the past.


OKFN's DataPipes SaaS Tool is an option for using in-browser.
GitHub automagically renders CSV into tables, providing another in-browser option, along with more functionality.

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Active2 years, 11 months ago

Could anybody suggest a light (small, fast) text editor that can

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  • handle columnar view of csv files?
  • save quote character to all fields, even if not 'necessary'

OpenOffice Calc is bit big for my old laptop. My favourite Notepad++ cannot present a columnar view. And it seems to me that Sharp Tools Spreadsheet cannot import CSV files. Google Docs converts some date fields by default, which I do not want and it is really slow.

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closed as not constructive by slhckNov 1 '12 at 14:59

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4 Answers

CSVed - at 1MB it seems pretty light.

Note that as of version 2.2.1 it has trouble opening large CSV files.

  • a 4,000,000 row, 313 column, LF terminated CSV simply gives a 'File is empty' warning
    • reduced to ~1000 rows it opens, but drops columns 227 - 313
    • reduced to 1 row, it still drops columns 227 - 313

Best Csv Editor Windows

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I have written a product called Ron's Editor which you might want to look at. I am always interested in making it more useful/powerful so I would be interested in your feedback.

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Ron's Editor is a powerful CSV file editor. It can open any format of separated text, including the standard comma and tab separated files (CSV and TSV), and allows total control over their content and structure.

With a clean and neat interface Ron's Editor is also ideal to simply view and read CSV, or any text delimited, files.

Ron's Editor is the ultimate CSV editor, whether you need to edit a CSV file, clean some data, or merge and convert to another format, this is the ideal solution for anyone who regularly works with CSV files.

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Aaron StewartAaron Stewart

CSVed is a light weight editor specifically designed for editing CSV files on Windows. It's free.

Ian C.Ian C.

Windows 10 Best Csv Editor

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You could use the Windows port of emacs and then use the CSV mode.

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